Workplace adjustments make the world of difference to Aaron


A series of workplace adjustments made by one of the country’s leading employers has meant a young Somerset man can land his first ever paid job.

Despite a clear commitment, Aaron Appleby had found securing work a real struggle. With Asperger’s Syndrome and a development delay, he often finds learning new tasks a challenge.

But after being supported by our Intensive Personalised Employment Support (IPES) programme in the south west, Aaron has now found work with Center Parcs – with the employer going above and beyond to help him settle in and fulfil his duties.

Why Aaron joined the IPES programme

Aaron was determined to find work, but felt he needed some extra support. The IPES programme has been specifically designed to help disabled people overcome their barriers and find meaningful work – often, like Aaron, for the first time in their lives.


How Fedcap helped

The first few months were spent focusing on identifying Aaron’s transferable skills, his aspirations, and helping him to produce a good quality CV to show off to potential employers.

Working with Occupational Inclusion Specialist Becky Smith, Aaron was able to open up about his barriers to employment and how employers might be able to support him to undertake certain tasks.


Getting the job

Aaron applied for a role as a Housekeeper with Center Parcs, with Fedcap supporting with transport costs. He impressed recruiters with his commitment and was offered a role, before going back to his new place of work with his Specialist Key Worker before he started to ensure he understood his role properly.

Becky worked closely with Aaron’s new manager to highlight how Center Parcs could support him to adapt to his new environment and settle into the new role – and crucially stayed in touch to help make some reasonable adjustments a couple of months into Aaron starting his new position.

Becky was able to speak with the teams to understand the objectives of a Housekeeper and get to grips with the role. With Aaron expressing concern that he found double duvets difficult to manage and the task taking up much of his time, Becky liaised with the on-site team to change Aaron’s duties to take on simpler tasks, focusing on one lodge with only changing single beds. These two adjustments helped Aaron to feel more in control and was able to keep the quality of work high – and has since been able to add additional lodges and tasks to his role.

Aaron said: “It is a nice atmosphere here. There are not many jobs where you get to work in a forest. I have grown in myself since working here. People always said I could not work, or wasn’t able to, but four months down the line and I am still here.

“Center Parcs have understood my disability and they haven’t tried to push me outside of my comfort zone.

“Fedcap have been really helpful, and I have benefited from their help in work.”

Aaron was keen to increase his hours, but due to transportation barriers he was unable to do this with Center Parcs and needed to source something closer to home. And after spending time with Becky discussing options for other roles, he was able to land an additional part-time job with a local hotel, working flexibly around his Center Parcs hours.

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