Hannah gets back into work after 7 years!



Why Hannah joined the IPES programme

Hannah hadn’t worked for seven years when she joined the IPES (Intensive Personalised Employment Support) programme.
She was struggling with both physical and mental health challenges and needed support to help her find a role with a purpose where she felt accepted.

How Fedcap helped

hannah-ipes-customerThe first step on her journey with Fedcap was to strengthen her support network and we funded 1-1 counselling sessions through Options Wellbeing Trust and helped her get in touch with her NHS Community Mental Health Team.

We also gave Hannah access to Brain in Hand, a digital support service which helps with scheduling, and managing unplanned events.
She also benefited from weekly face-to-face appointments with her specialist key worker Emma and joined several online workshops, run by Fedcap’s Health and Wellbeing Team, focusing on confidence building, resilience and effective communication.

Hannah expressed an interest in helping others, leading her to pursue a Mental Health First Aid course (Level 2) via the Digital College. Despite her initial anxiety, she successfully completed the course and passed the exam on her first attempt, which was a significant achievement.

Helping Hannah secure a role

With her specialist key worker’s support, Hannah began job searching and submitted applications for various roles. Although she initially faced rejections, she gained valuable feedback and learned the importance of resilience and perseverance.

Eventually, Hannah applied for a role as a Personal Adviser with AXA Health. She performed exceptionally well in the interview and was offered full-time employment. The intensive eight-week training period was challenging for Hannah, who struggled with self-doubt and considered resigning. However, our occupational inclusion specialist Emma supported Hannah with completing an employer support plan and arranged for reasonable adjustments to be made with her employer.

What’s next for Hannah?

Hannah has now successfully completed her training at AXA Health and received excellent feedback. She continues in her role with ongoing in-work support, which has been vital to her success. Hannah is now focused on saving money and hopes to buy a house in the near future, marking a significant milestone in her journey from anxiety and uncertainty to stability and confidence in her career.

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