Sienna’s feline good about her long-term career goals

Sienna has battled with her mental health for some time, and believed her anxiety was holding her back from finding work.
Since leaving her previous role, Sienna was claiming Universal Credit and felt she was stuck and needed more support. Sienna’s Jobcentre Work Coach arranged for her to meet Fedcap Adviser Leon, to learn more about the Work and Health Programme and how Fedcap could help her get to where she wanted to be.
Sienna joined the programme, and together with Leon they quickly defined her job goals, and revamped her CV so it stood out to employers. Sienna also used our health and wellbeing sessions and attended our seasonal Job Club at our Reading office.
Sienna had spent a long time applying for roles but was not hearing back, however after giving her CV a makeover, she secured an interview. Although the interview didn’t lead to a job offer, Sienna didn’t let it dampen her spirits and quickly applied for two more roles that same day. Sienna landed an interview with Pets at Home for a Customer Assistant role and impressed them so much she was offered the role just four hours later.
Sienna’s confidence has increased significantly since she started the Work and Health Programme and she has thought about not only short-term, but long-term goals and a plan of how she’s going to achieve them.
Her long-term goal is to work for the Cats Protection charity, however due to their locations, Sienna needs to learn to drive. She is looking forward to gaining some experience in her current role and passing her test to enable her to apply to more remote roles in the future.
Sienna said: “I found the Work and Health Programme very useful and the support I received from my adviser Leon was amazing. I found it very easy to speak to him and explain the issues I had and he empathised, understood and proceeded to help me with these issues.”