Nigel secures ‘brilliant’ job after years on benefits

Weybridge man Nigel Mitchell is back in work for the first time in seven years after getting help from our team on the Intensive Personalised Employment Support (IPES) programme.
Why Nigel joined the IPES programme
Nigel, 63, had been unemployed since 2015. Despite suffering from depression and with complex diabetic needs, he was determined to find work but often found his age went against him.
How Fedcap helped
Working with Fedcap’s Specialist Key Worker Gemma Boys, Nigel’s confidence started to grow, especially in dealing with IT systems which allowed him to start searching and applying for jobs.
Nigel showed interest in both driving and warehousing jobs. He always remained open to opportunities but was keen to find an organisation working in a sector that he had an interest and passion about.
With rising energy prices putting a strain on life, our Community Provisions Coordinator Paul Curtis also supported Nigel with access to a local foodbank.
Getting the job
Occupational Inclusion Specialist Becky Smith reached out to her contacts at SOCOTEC to see what vacancies they had in and around Nigel’s local area.
Two jobs were up for grabs, with one of the hiring managers contacting Nigel to discuss both roles with him, allowing Nigel to be open about his strengths and barriers.
Nigel was supported for the interview with some preparation from Gemma and £73 towards interview clothing to build his confidence.
It wasn’t long before he impressed bosses and landed a role as a Trainee Field Technician, allowing him to come off benefits for the first time in years.
The role included the use of a vehicle, but due to supplier issues, it wasn’t ready in time and Nigel needed to make his own way into Uxbridge. However, without his own car, he was reliant on trains, which could take up to four hours of his day. Fedcap informed SOCOTEC, which then sourced him a vehicle as a priority to prevent the lengthy commute.
He said: “SOCOTEC are understanding of my health and have really understood my condition. The technicians always stop and chat it’s brilliant. Having this job has given me a purpose. I don’t want to stay in bed anymore. Even if I am feeling tired, I still want to get up and go into work. I want to carry on doing this until I retire. I would even consider going down to part time at retirement. I would love to continue as long as I am capable.”
Gemma Boys said: “Nigel has made huge progression in his own self-confidence and in his self-belief that he can in fact do the job.”