IPES: Championing the ability in disability
At Fedcap we believe that everyone deserves the same opportunity to access work – no matter what their circumstances. Through the Intensive Personalised Employment Support programme we are working to make it easier for those with disabilities to find work.
Our experienced and professional team are experts in providing personalised and effective support that makes it easier for jobseekers to work past any obstacles that may be preventing them from furthering their careers.
Please note, we’re no longer taking referrals for the IPES programme.
What is Intensive Personalised Employment Support (IPES)?
IPES was established in 2019 with the goal of seeing 1 million more disabled people and those with health conditions find work and move nearer to the labour market. It is a flexible voluntary programme, available for people who are at least 18 years of age and don’t foresee getting into the workforce for at least 12 months.
Through the IPES scheme participants receive at least 15 months of intensive support to find and sustain employment. The scheme includes a further 6 months of in-work support.
The scheme also assists with:
- Handling family and personal responsibilities
- Preparing for work and finding work
- Developing life skills and valuable experience
- Financial management
We cover the IPES scheme in:
- Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
- Surrey and Sussex
- Wiltshire, Hampshire and South West
- Avon, Somerset and Gloucestershire
- Devon and Cornwall
Meet the team

Specialist Key Worker
Specialist Key Workers provide bespoke end to end support for small numbers of customers, to enable them to move into sustainable employment including carrying out a range of assessments to address an individual’s barriers to work; developing and implementing health and work actions plans; building confidence and aiding the developing of practical and emotional skills requested to adapt to a working routine. They identify suitable routes into work for customers such as work experience placements and provide ongoing advice and guidance for a minimum of six months post-employment, maximising the potential for sustainable, long-term work.

Occupational Inclusion Specialist
Our Occupational Inclusion Specialists (OIS) work closely with customers and employers to ensure any adjustments and considerations are implemented to support employment, including offering a tailored health and wellbeing in-work support package. OIS identify and build relationships with employers, advising on how to ensure more occupations are more inclusive and accessible to those with physical and /or mental health conditions. They also work with HR representatives of employers to understand their recruitment needs and support the recruitment of individuals needing additional wellbeing / health related support.

Community Provisions Co-Ordinator
Community Provisions Co-ordinators (CPCs) work to ensure our catalogue of interventions meets the needs of every customer, managing the quality and effectiveness of provision. CPCs build and maintain strong relationships with local jobcentres, referral agencies and local signposting organisations to generate and maximise referrals to our IPES programme. They work alongside our Specialist Key Workers and Occupational Inclusion Specialists to identify, structure and recommend vacancy and training solutions to meet the needs of customers and employers.

Business Manager
Business Managers are responsible for ensuring all customers are provided with the same high standard of services that maximises their chances of securing sustainable employment. They lead, motivate and develop the IPES team to support them to continuously improve the service we provide to customers and employers.
IPES Scheme FAQs
Unfortunately, we’re no longer taking referrals for the IPES scheme.
Intensive Personalised Employment Support is for jobseekers with a disability or complex barriers into employment. If your Jobcentre Work Coach considers you to be more than 12 months from the labour market and you have not previously received intensive support you may be eligible for the programme. Other qualifying criteria for include:
– Must live in England and Wales
– Must not be in paid employment
– Must be of working age (18 – state pension age)
– Must not currently be enrolled on any other employment scheme run by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
Upon joining the programme you will receive access to specialist health and disability support.
Our in-house health professionals will provide effective coping strategies designed to help you manage your disability, while mental health and wellbeing support will focus on aiding you in the management of anxiety, stress, lifestyle challenges, depression or trauma.
In addition you will receive employability support such as interview preparation and CV writing.
When you feel ready to start looking for work, we will work with you to find a job that suits your skills in conjunction with our network of local Disability Confident employers. Your specialist key worker will make your potential employer aware of any workplace adjustments that may be necessary to make you comfortable in that working environment. Your specialist key worker will also ensure that the employer is familiar with the type of support needed to meet the expectations of the job.
IPES is a highly personalised service that focuses on the individual needs of every person enrolled on the programme. It incorporates elements of work experience and provides a multi-disciplinary support network of advisors.
Don’t worry, our support doesn’t stop there. We will stay in touch for up to six months to make sure everything’s going well. We are here to answer any questions you may have and to support you with any challenges you may face along the way.