Helping Rowan gain both confidence and full-time employment

Struggling with self-doubt, one young professional sought out the support of Fedcap through the Restart Scheme. Just a few months later, Rowan has found both his confidence and full-time work in an exciting new role.
Rowan Wright from Basingstoke recently obtained full-time work as a Customer Service Advisor with Sovereign Housing Association, thanks to the support of the Fedcap team and the Restart scheme.
At the tail-end of 2023, Rowan had been suffering from setbacks and insecurity, but he found the strength and drive to reach out and join the Restart scheme. This drive, he says, comes from his disciplined weight loss journey. Making progress in this area of his life allowed him to believe the same positive mental attitude could be applied to other areas, particularly employment.
After being referred to the Restart scheme by his JCP work coach, Rowan made great use of the support services available. He worked collaboratively with the team on his confidence issues, attending ESC functions and tutor sessions. He was also advised to complete the career assessments on the online Fedcap Hub to affirm the many skills and qualities he already possessed.
Rowan worked with his employment adviser, TJ, to build on his skills and challenge his negative perception of himself. At the ESC function, he was encouraged to engage positively with the ESC to discuss with opportunities, focusing on what can do, not what he can’t.
Through his work with his tutor, the ESC and TJ, Rowan was able to recognise that he was employable and had a lot to offer the labour market. It was simply a matter of seeing the potential within himself.
This was evident in the way Rowan conducted himself throughout the programme, coming across as both confident and pleasant in each of his meetings. His positive attitude was on display every time he entered the office, and with the skills he obtained through the Restart Scheme, he is sure to weather the storm against all visible and non-visible barriers he may face as he re-enters the world of full-time employment.
Rowan began his new role at Sovereign Housing Association as a Customer Service Advisor. Rowan was over the moon with both the support he received with Restart and the outcome of his efforts, saying his new role will give him a sense of routine, and a stronger sense of self.
Rowan’s Fedcap Restart Adviser, TJ, found Rowan to be the perfect candidate: willing to learn and ready to begin. He just needed that extra bit of support and self-esteem to achieve his goals. TJ said:
“The reason for this good news story isn’t just to focus on Rowan securing himself a job within four months of being on the provision, which in itself is an incredible achievement. It’s also a testament to Rowan’s positive attitude, his persistence, and sense of resilience while sticking to his own goals.
“His story should inspire anyone who is currently facing circumstances that feel outside of their control. You can make change happen.”
Rowan was equally thrilled with his work with the support he has received and how the team, particularly TJ, went above and beyond to provide the support and confidence he needed. The team took the time to understand what he wanted from his career, and how he could achieve it, putting his new-found confidence and undeniable commitment to good use.
When asked how he feels about the help provided by the Restart Scheme, Rowan simply stated:
“It feels like I have a future again.”
Find out more about the Restart programme and other Fedcap initiatives by contacting us.