Fedcap’s first Community Day benefits 37 charities around the UK

Dozens of charities from Aberdeen to Brighton have benefited from hundreds of extra volunteers after not for profit organisation Fedcap held its first Community Day.
Almost 400 members of staff from 26 offices, including 20 people from our partners, rallied round good causes from homeless shelters to foodbanks in the North East, North West and South Central regions of England, and across Scotland.
Charities which benefited from the army of volunteers included Abernecessities, a baby bank in Aberdeen which provides disadvantaged families with essential and basic necessities; One Can Trust foodbank in High Wycombe; autism and neurodivergent support charity Daisy Chain on Teesside and environmental charity Let’s Grow Preston, in Lancashire.
Brian Bell, Fedcap CEO, who spent Community Day with Fedcap’s Oxford team in an Oxfam store, said: “Fedcap has been on a social value journey over the last 12 months. While social value has always been at the core of our business, we have recently introduced a more widespread approach to maximise the amount of value we give back to society, and as a charity ourselves, we’re very keen to support other organisations.
“Our first ever Community Day was a great way to celebrate this, with our people dedicating 1,640 hours across 37 different charities, contributing a social value impact equivalent to £25,000, which will go towards our company target of delivering 25% added social value.”
Lindsay Harling, Head of Commissioning and Procurement, who is responsible for driving Fedcap’s Social Value and Sustainability agenda, said: “Spearheaded by our Social Value and Sustainability teams, Fedcap has delivered numerous social value projects throughout 2023. These have included creating Back to School bags containing stationery for parents struggling with the cost-of-living crisis and opening up discreet WeCare stations in our offices for customers to help themselves to tinned food, toiletries and hygiene products as and when they need them.”