Our Reading office is on the 7th floor of Fountain House which can be found located behind the Broad Street Mall, close to the Hexagon.

The Reading team are proud to deliver the Restart scheme, the Intensive Personalised Employment Support (IPES) programme, and the Work and Health programme. You can find details relating to upcoming workshops and our latest vacancies below.

Office Gallery

Programmes we offer:

Two smart multiethnic business people working together with laptop


Get back to work and moving your career in the right direction with Restart

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Hispanic woman in wheelchair with her colleagues at workplace

Intensive Personalised Employment Support (IPES)

Are you a person with a disability? Access the support you need to move closer to work

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Lady stook by lockers in a hallway, smiling at the camera

Work & Health Programme - Pioneer

Develop the skills you need to overcome long-term unemployment and work past long-term health issues

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